There are No Universal Prescriptions
What follows is a summary of an interview I conducted with Allied Member and CEO and Founder of The Power House, Max Lipset. The Power House is a family-owned and family-run gym that provides fun and science-based fitness programs to help individuals and families become their healthiest and best selves.
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This is part 3 of 3 in the series of interviews about the important role health plays in helping you be a more effective leader.
Everybody needs a personal plan.
A company like The Power House is useful for individuals - and groups of people - that want to build an individual plan to help them achieve measurable changes in their health through fitness.
An example of the universal prescription is the keto diet or a plant-based diet.
If you are in the grocery store, you're going to see a lot of related information on the front of the magazines as you check out.
People are trying to sell content, so they say this (a universal diet) is what is going to work for everybody. They want to convince you that's what's going to work for you too. It can be kind of confusing to look at two things.
Let's take the Keto and the plant-based (diet). These diets are the opposite of each other.
The Keto or - Atkins style - encourages eating as much animal protein as you want. Eat all the high-fat cuts. We just got to keep carbs down. That's the key to longevity.
On the other side are the proponents of a plant-based diet. Eat as many grains, fruits, and vegetables as you want. But stay away from the animal protein, and that's the key.
These two things are opposite, and you have thousands of people who are making each of them work. So, how can that be right? That's where we like to try to explain to people that these things have more in common than they do apart.
The reason why they each work is they get people off of processed food and eating real foods. Food that will spoil if it's not refrigerated has a pretty short shelf life and doesn't have a label on it. That's what we mean by unprocessed food.
So that's step one. To be successful, eat right.
From there, we can start to individualize. That might require gathering some medical history.
If heart disease is an issue in your family, I'm going to tell you that living a keto lifestyle does not make a lot of sense. You're going to go to your physician, and they are going to say to you your keto diet is driving your cholesterol through the roof. They don't like that.
So that's where we start to individualize and build a prescription unique to you.